Utterback Rezoning
Keep checking back for updates as they will be posted publicly here.
May Update:
On May 24th at 7:30pm a public hearing has been scheduled to be held before the Prince William Board of County Supervisors in the Board Champers, 1 County Complex, Prince William VA. At that time, the public will be given an opportunity to voice their opinions on the subject application.
January Update:
On January 26th the Planning Commission approved the project. A recording of the meeting can be found here. The Utterback rezoning discussion starts at around 3 hours and 37 minutes.
Prince William Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7pm EST on January 26, 2022. Hearing notice link here.
December Update:
Prince William Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7pm EST on December 15, 2021. ***This meeting was postponed until January*** PWC calendar link here.
October Update:
Meetings with Peterson Development have been scheduled as follows:
October 11th, 2021 - 6pm (Basketball Court at Mountain View Elementary School, 5600 Mcleod Way, Haymarket, VA 20169). Members from the Prince William County Board as well as Peterson will be in attendance.
October 18th, 2021 - 7pm - The Westmarket BOD has invited Peterson to attend the board meeting.
Attached is the PDF presented to the board at the above meeting.
September Update:
Emails were sent to all Westmarket Residents who are registered with WestmarketCommunity.com on September 6th that included details about the project and upcoming deadlines and meetings. If you did not receive this email please check your spam folders and ensure that your account email address is updated by logging in to https://www.westmarketcommunity.com/
A follow up email was sent September 22nd with the following information
It has recently come to the Board’s attention that the Lightner Rd development (formally the Utterback Rezoning Project) will soon come before the Prince William County Supervisors for approval. The Gainesville supervisor (Pete Candland)’s assistant, Brooke Stark was in attendance at the Westmarket Board Meeting on September 20th, and answered questions and received comments from the Board and several community members. Ms. Stark took back questions to be answered and provided a written response to the Board on Tuesday. Her written response is included below. She did mention that the Planning Commission meeting will be held in November.
Several issues and concerns were addressed at this time and she provided a response and update the next day. Please see below.
"It was a pleasure to meet you last night at the Westmarket HOA meeting. I would appreciate it if you could forward this information to the HOA Board and residents.
Good news, I misspoke last night, the hearing before the Planning Commission will be held in November. Residents will be able to attend this meeting and register their concerns. We do not have a specific date as the agendas have not been set that far in advance. The Planning Commission publishes their agenda a week prior to the next meeting here: https://www.pwcva.gov/department/planning-office/planning-commission and then they can click on AGENDA. Please let your residents know this link will take then to the case documents:
Several of the reports are due this week so they should check back to read all the updates.
The report does note that the Westmarket HOA is in support of this project. If that is not the case any longer, please write a letter to both Peterson Company and Scott Meyer, Prince William County Planning, to register your objections. Scott Meyer is the Case Planner and his email address is SMeyer@pwcgov.org. Your residents may reach out to him as well. Please include as many details on your objections as possible. Last night they noted the traffic volumes, the limited access to the subdivision on Lightner only, the student count and the Fire & Rescue response times.
You can also request to have the Peterson Company meet with your HOA Board and residents. They do have in their report that Peterson Company “previously reached out to Westmarket and they were supportive of the project”. If that has changed, it is important to reach out to them and have that discussion prior to the case coming before the Planning Commission.
As I mentioned last night, the case will eventually come before the Board of County Supervisors and I would encourage anyone interested to write to the Board. Their collective email address is BOCS@pwcgov.org or you can find individual email addresses here:
The residents spoke of a 5-3 split in recent land development votes, that breakdown is: 5: Ann Wheeler, Margaret Franklin, Andrea Bailey, Victor Angry and Kenny Boddye 3: Pete Candland, Yesli Vega and Jeannine Lawson.
I spoke with County Transportation regarding the speeding on Lightner and the lack of crossing options. A speed study will be conducted and speed calming measures will be examined for this road. I do not have a date for the speed study. The request is placed on a list and depending on how many studies need to be completed and weather, times will vary. I will forward the information when it becomes available.
If you have any further questions please feel free to write or call and I will find the answers.
Brooke Stark
Aide to Supervisor Candland
7001 Heritage Village Plaza #210
Gainesville, VA 20155
Office: 703-792-6195 Direct: 703-792-6196"
It was also brought to the Westmarket BOD’s attention that the developer is under the impression the Board has given its approval to the development project. The Board is crafting a response to the Planning Supervisor and Peterson Development informing them that the Westmarket Board did not approve the development at any time.